Visual Symphony: Mapping Taylor Swift’s song durations with D3.js


November 16, 2023


In the vast universe of pop culture, Taylor Swift’s music stands out like a beacon, telling stories that resonate with millions. Each track she crafts is not just a collection of notes and lyrics but a temporal journey. As fans, we’ve swayed to the rhythm and felt the pulse of her narratives, but what if we could see the very essence of these auditory experiences? My latest project does just that, transforming Taylor Swift’s discography into an interactive chart that visualizes the duration of her songs across all albums using the power of d3.js.

The Power of Data Visualization

Visual representation of data isn’t just about translating numbers into graphics. It’s about telling a story, uncovering the hidden, and making the abstract tangible. When it comes to music, data visualization allows us to perceive patterns and relationships in songwriting and composition that we might miss when simply listening. It adds a new dimension to our understanding and appreciation of an artist’s work.

The Chart

This chart isn’t just a static image; it’s an interactive experience. It invites the viewer to explore the temporal landscape of Taylor Swift’s music. Using d3.js, an advanced JavaScript library, I have created an intuitive and engaging visualization that not only illustrates song lengths but also invites interaction and exploration. The design is deliberate, with a color palette that mirrors the emotional tone of her albums and a circular layout that reflects the cyclical nature of music and time.

Behind the Scenes with d3.js

Building this chart was a journey of its own. d3.js is renowned for its flexibility and power in data visualization. The data is from R package {taylor} which includes the datasets for all her songs and color palettes of each album. The chart was then constructed using SVG elements, with each song represented by a line whose length corresponds to its duration. I incorporated features such as tooltips to allow users to dive deeper into each album’s details.

Reading the Chart

Navigating the chart is intuitive. Each concentric circle represents an album, and the length of the lines extending from the center indicates song duration. Hovering over a line reveals the song’s name and exact length, providing an instant understanding of the track’s place in the album’s narrative. The variation in color not only adds visual appeal but also serves as a legend, with each hue representing a different album.

The Narrative of Song Duration

Song duration is more than just a number; it’s a creative choice that can shape the listener’s experience. With this chart, we see the evolution of Taylor Swift’s storytelling through time. We notice how her earlier albums feature shorter, radio-friendly tracks, while her later works show a trend towards longer, more introspective compositions.


This interactive chart is a testament to the storytelling power of both Taylor Swift’s music and data visualization. It’s a new way to experience the familiar, to see what we’ve always heard, and to deepen our connection with the music that has become a soundtrack to many lives.

Visit the interactive chart, play around with the features, and perhaps you’ll find something new in the music of Taylor Swift — a hidden pattern, a surprising trend, or simply a new way to enjoy the artistry of her songcraft.

Code: Taylor Swift / Deepali Kank | Observable (